I'm here sitting near you
you are sleeping, not serene
forced by the drugs
awake you struggle
you chose for this life the inferno
soon you will have peace
you will free yourself from your burdens
and I can embrace you
Negli ultimi anni lo studio ultra trentennale del Tai Chi e del Qi Gong della International Tai Chi Chuan Association, scuola fondata dalla ...
I'm here sitting near you
you are sleeping, not serene
forced by the drugs
awake you struggle
you chose for this life the inferno
soon you will have peace
you will free yourself from your burdens
and I can embrace you
siedo accanto a te
dormi, non serena
costretta dai farmaci
sveglia ti tormenti
hai scelto in questa vita l'inferno
fra breve avrai pace
ti libererai delle tue catene
ed io potrò abbracciarti