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Mente, diaframma, corpo

Negli ultimi anni lo studio ultra trentennale del Tai Chi e del Qi Gong della International Tai Chi Chuan Association, scuola fondata dalla ...

16 April 2011

Where God stays

Hell and Heaven are in opposition, they are Yin and Yang, belly and head, are fighting one against the other; the church has brought on this fight with terrible effects on the mental health of the human beings for thousands of years. God can't conceive such a shame.

Dante puts the loved love of Paolo and Francesca in the Hell and his love for Beatrice in the Heaven. Both are no-loves, both are two faces of the same coin. Carnal, but full of sins feelings the first, ethereal and not lived the second.

"Amor, che a nullo amato amar perdona, mi prese del costui piacer sì forte...".

"Love, that doesn't forgive nobody loved, took me a so strong pleasure of him..."

It's interesting, who loves it's loved back, from
that we can deduce that who is not loved doesn't love. (that person).

Often happens that one "doesn't feel loved" or to think continuosly to one person

The place more forgotten in these thousands years of contrapposition between hell and Heaven it's the Purgatory, the heart. Nothing against head and belly, but if they are not connected with the heart they are only monsters and they bring us to wars and violence. Present human beings that seem to us so ugly in their ridiculous inveigh and stealing are only humans no more connected to the heart, infernals or heavenly sloppy beins.

Thinking always to a person doesn't mean we love her/him, only listening to our heart we can understand who we really love and understand who loves us.

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