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Negli ultimi anni lo studio ultra trentennale del Tai Chi e del Qi Gong della International Tai Chi Chuan Association, scuola fondata dalla ...

24 July 2010

Wild Rose

We are in a narrow mountain path, after a while it bends and the path opens in a nice valley; hidden by Wild Roses roves there are some ruins, here once. Once was a small little town with people laughing and singing, but now there is no more. The Wild Rose tree is there, waiting, waiting to make people laugh and sing again. We sit in a nice spot, with many Wild Rose flowers around, you and me, our hands one in the other and we stay like that silently listening the gentle wind around us. It's not immediate, we have to wait the right moment, the right gap between the silence of time and when that moment arouses, straight from our hearts comes that weird strong feeling, I have my eyes closed now, like yours and I feel you in all my being and you too have the same feeling, the same energy, we are one in love...

The sleeping beauty and all people in the realm were put to sleep for one hundred years and Wild Rose was protecting them all, waiting for the Prince, the Yang element to come; he kissed the Princess and the Wild Rose energy could flow in their heart, once again to make life what it's meant to, love.

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